Coming Soon!
A New Website For The
Business Conflict Forum®
The new BusinessConflictForum.com will bring together the resources that business parties need to manage and resolve business disputes:
- Access to Attorneys Experienced in Resolving Business Disputes
- Introductions to Trusted Business Advisors – Accounting, Insurance, Financial
- Cutting-Edge Digital Tools
- Information & Data to Help Navigate the Multi-Billion Dollar Business Dispute Industry
Please send an email to psimon@BusinessConflictForum.com and we will let you know when the new website is live and send you information on pre-launch opportunities. Members of Participating Organizations will continue to receive all existing services of the Business Conflict Forum® PLUS automatically receiving access to the expanded benefits that are publicly available on the new website.
Participating Organizations
For members of business associations and organizations, Business Conflict Forum® programs provide parties a quick and convenient process to resolve disputes including online mediator selection, mediation conference scheduling and mediator fee-sharing among the parties. Organizations participating in the Business Conflict Forum® include:
Better Business Bureau Serving Western Michigan
Foundation for Supply Chain Solutions – F4SS
Firestop Contractors International Association – FCIA

Business Litigation Threshold Survey:
How much is too little? Give us your opinion on the minimum claim amount to justify litigation.
1-Minute Business Litigation Threshold Survey – Lawyers
1-Minute Business Litigation Threshold Survey – Non-Lawyers
Business Litigation Threshold Survey Tracking: Contact Us
Business Litigation IQ Survey:
Test your basic “Business Litigation IQ” in this 2-minute, 5-question survey. There are two identical surveys, one for lawyers and one for everyone else. Include an email address to receive your “score” and survey results.
2-Minute Litigation Basics Survey – Lawyers
2-Minute Litigation Basics Survey – Non-Lawyers
Answers to Litigation Basics Survey
(Please, no peeking until you complete the survey!)
BMN Mediation Rules
Mediate1st® Sample Contract Clause
If you want more information on how your company, institution, business or professional organization or trade association can enjoy the benefits of the Business Conflict Forum® please CONTACT US.