The Firestop Contractors International Association has teamed with Business Mediation Network to offer FCIA members a way to resolve business conflicts using the Business Conflict Forum®. The program makes it easy for FCIA members to engage independent mediators and avoid the business disruption and high cost of litigating or arbitrating business disputes. Up to 80% of disputed issues submitted to mediation are resolved after an informal conference that usually lasts only a day or two. Also, with the help of a neutral mediator, parties can amicably work through potentially difficult issues involved in business or management transition before they turn into full-fledged disputes. The Business Conflict Forum® offers a convenient way to choose a mediator, schedule the mediation conference and share the fees.
Parties submitting disputes and other matters to the Business Conflict Forum® can select a mediator who is familiar with their particular issues from BMN’s MEDIATOR ROSTER, which features a number of mediators with significant construction industry experience including an FCIA co-founder and former President who was member of the FCIA Board of Directors. BMN’s business mediators are ready to assist Firestop Contractors, Manufacturers, Inspection Agencies and Associate Members resolve conflicts without litigation. Also, Members can refer their customers, suppliers, lenders, partners, employees and others with whom they do business to the mediation program. Finding mutually agreeable solutions to disputes through mediation saves time and money and preserves valuable business relationships.
Information / Downloads
Business Conflict Forum® FAQ’s
Obtain Help From the Business Conflict Forum®
Are you involved in litigation or arbitration? Do you have a dispute you cannot resolve? Are you considering making management changes, dissolving a partnership or transitioning a company to the next generation? BMN has trained mediators to serve as a neutral third-party to facilitate negotiations and assist the parties in finding an acceptable solution. Please complete the FCIA / BCF SUBMISSION FORM and send it to BMN CONTACT. A representative of Business Mediation Network will contact you. BMN will waive its published Submission Fee for all parties to a dispute involving or referred by a member of the FCIA.
Refer Others
Business parties referred by FCIA members also can use the Business Conflict Forum® on the same terms as members. This allows FCIA members to assist their affiliates, suppliers, customers, etc. to avoid the disruption of lawsuits that can expose financial and other confidential information and threaten timely job completion.
Become a Business Mediation Network Mediator
BMN invites qualified people with firestop and construction industry experience to enroll in BMN’s Mediator Training program and become a BMN Mediator. To learn more about the personal qualifications and training needed to become a successful business mediator, please visit BECOME A MEDIATOR or contact BMN at BMN CONTACT.
To Register for an Upcoming Mediator Training Program: CLICK HERE
Learn About Mediation as the Preferred Approach to Dispute Resolution
Replay the recording of the recent FCIA Business Conflict Forum® Webinar “Mediation: A Lean Approach to Resolving Disputes Without Litigation.” For replay and presentation download links and for additional information from the webinar visit the BMN FCIA WEBINAR PRESENTATION PAGE.
Adopt a Mediate1st® Approach to Future Conflict
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Benjamin Franklin’s words of wisdom certainly apply to businesses who want to avoid the cost and disruption of litigation and arbitration from business conflict. Members of the FCIA and other businesses are encouraged to plan to mediate before disputes arise by adding BMN’s Mediate1st® clause to all contracts. In addition, businesses can adopt the Mediate1st® approach as a general policy even where conflict arises outside of a contract by participating in the Business Conflict Forum®. For more information, including a sign up form, please download the Business Conflict Forum® PARTICIPATION BROCHURE.
4 Minute Survey
Members of the FCIA and all those in the construction industry are encouraged to complete in a short on-line SURVEY to identify the nature of the conflicts facing construction general contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, owners, developers and related service providers and their experiences with litigation, arbitration and mediation. This survey is anonymous and is open to all who are involved in the firestop and construction industry. Information derived from the survey will be updated periodically on this web page or in a future FCIA presentation and / or newsletter article.