Private Mediation Programs

Business Mediation Network can design a Private Mediation Program tailored to a particular association, organization or business that will establish a forum to air grievances before they ripen into claims:

  • Trade and industry associations  – Associations can greatly benefit their membership by offering a Private Mediation Program for disputes between a member and its customers or suppliers or even between members.  Such a program can be custom designed and can offer cost and service advantages.
  • Religious, Charitable Organizations – Disputes involving members and officers or directors of religious, charitable or volunteer organizations can be devastating in terms of cost and loss of goodwill.  Private Mediation Programs are an ideal way to quickly, fairly and privately address disputes and can preserve the valuable relationships vital to those organizations.
  • Manufacturer/Distributor, Franchisor/Franchisee – Common business goals should not be overcome by resorting to divisive litigation.  Incorporating a Private Mediation Program into basic agreements can provide a forum for resolving disputes in a way that promotes continued good will.
  • Companies – For individual companies, this private system can be particularly effective for employee disputes or claims from customers, suppliers, neighbors or others whose positive perception is important to the business.

For more information on how Business Mediation Network can design and administer a Private Mediation Program to keep your association, organization or company focused on your mission, please call or email (see Contact).
